From The Unofficial Outwar Wiki
Category:Item Shows All Items in Outwar.
Pages in category "Item"
The following 196 pages are in this category, out of 196 total.
- Absorbing Essence
- Advanced Brace of Eternity
- Advanced Buckle of Eternity
- Advanced Chestplate of Eternity
- Advanced Greaves of Eternity
- Advanced Helmet of Eternity
- Advanced Ring of Eternity
- Advanced Trinket of Eternity
- Advanced Walkers of Eternity
- Advanced War Axe of Eternity
- Amulet of Demonology
- Antique Bowl
- Antique Knife
- Arcane Elemental Force
- Arcane Elemental Mastery
- Arcane Elemental Sample
- Arcane Runestone
- Archfiend Soul Fragment
- Astral Purity
- Augment
- Augment of Supremacy
- Badge Reputation
- Band of Demonology
- Bank Security Plans
- Basic Elemental Rune
- Battle Uniform Boots
- Battle Uniform Boots +2
- Battle Uniform Boots +3
- Battle Uniform Boots +4
- Battle Uniform Helmet
- Battle Uniform Helmet +2
- Battle Uniform Helmet +3
- Battle Uniform Helmet +4
- Battle Uniform Knife
- Battle Uniform Knife +2
- Battle Uniform Knife +3
- Battle Uniform Knife +4
- Battle Uniform Pants
- Battle Uniform Pants +2
- Battle Uniform Pants +3
- Battle Uniform Pants +4
- Battle Uniform Shield
- Battle Uniform Shield +2
- Battle Uniform Shield +3
- Battle Uniform Shield +4
- Battle Uniform Vest +2
- Battle Uniform Vest +3
- Battle Uniform Vest +4
- Blackhand Talisman
- Blood Crystal
- Bloodslave Heart
- Bloodslave Vial
- Brown Package
- Bursting Aug
- Efflorescent Spear
- Element of Power
- Elemental Fuser
- Elemental Source
- Enchanted Obelisk
- Enforcer Captain Head
- Ergon Plasma
- Erupting Augment
- Ethereal Barrier
- Ethereal Blade
- Ethereal Bounders
- Ethereal Core
- Ethereal Helmet
- Ethereal Kilt
- Ethereal Necklet
- Ethereal Plate
- Ethereal Signet
- Ethereal Strap
- Excelled Crest of Affliction
- Excelled Crest of Class
- Excelled Crest of Ferocity
- Excelled Crest of Preservation
- Explosive Crest of Ferocity
- Sanctum Emblem of Brutality
- Sanctum Emblem of Elitists
- Sanctum Emblem of Gods
- Sanctum Emblem of Kings
- Sanctum Initiate Augment
- Sanctum Overseer Augment
- Sanctum Pioneer Augment
- Sanctum Trusted Augment
- Scamp Idol
- Scamp Tome
- Security Pass
- Seeping Aug
- Shadow Crystal
- Shadow Elemental Mastery
- Shadow Elemental Sample
- Shadow Runestone
- Sinister Power Source
- Skittor Virus
- Skull of Demonology
- Spirit of Brutalitar
- Spirit of Emperor Neudeus
- Spirit of King Ashnar
- Spirit of Kro Shuk
- Spirit of Lady Ariella
- Spirit of Nafir
- Spirit of Nar Zhul
- Spirit of Power
- Spirit of Windstrike
- Summoning Shard
- Sword of Legends