
From The Unofficial Outwar Wiki


Outwar (https://www.outwar.com), Rampid Interactive's browser-based sci-fi MMORPG, is a text-based 2-D multiplayer game. Created in 2002. Traditional methods of advancement like monster hunting, quests, and grinding are all in here, but the game has unique classes, including Monster, Popstar, and Gangster, over 60 quests, and a full-featured PvP system.

Outwar's PvP mechanics include both solo and guild-wide battles, in addition to a bounty hunting system. PvP will strip the losing player of XP. The game is free to play, but paid upgrades are available. Outwar has seen several expansions and continues to be updated.


Outwar is a browser-based online multiplayer role-playing game (RPG) that was first launched in 2002 by a developer named Bill Choi, under the company name Rampid Interactive. The game primarily focuses on dungeon crawling, character progression, and player-versus-player (PvP) combat rather than a deep narrative or lore.

Players in Outwar create their own characters and engage in quests, battles, and adventures while leveling up and collecting loot. The game's lore, to the extent that it exists, would be tied to the various quests and factions within the game. These quests often involve battling various monsters, exploring dungeons, and completing objectives for rewards.

Rampid Gaming Account (RGA)

A Rampid Gaming Account (RGA) is...

You are limited to 25 characters per RGA by default. You can purchase +25 Character Slots two times to get to a maximum of 75 characters per RGA.


Classes are...


The Gangster Class... 5% Attack / 10% Defence.


The Monster Class... 5% Rage Per Turn / 10% Max Rage.

Pop Star

The Pop Star Class... 2.5% Attack / 5% Defence / 2.5% Rage Per Turn / 5% Max Rage.


Crews are...


Questing all starts at various NPCs and most involve attacking Mobs.


Learn more about PvP.