Berkaz Reputation 1

From The Unofficial Outwar Wiki


The following table shows the Berkaz Reputation 1 questline in order, with all required conditions and rewards.


Berkaz Reputation 1
# Talker Message Conditions Rewards
1 Berkaz "To earn reputation from me, you will need to defeat very powerful beings held here in the Sanctum Prison. Are you up to the task?"
2 Berkaz "Did you defeat Dorstox the Kinetic Slicer?"
3 Berkaz "Did you defeat Vellera the Red Sorceress?"
4 Berkaz "Did you defeat Molgon the Magmaforged?"
5 Berkaz "Did you defeat Searsei the Flame Witch?"
6 Berkaz "Did you defeat Agothyn the Mutant Warlord?"