Crest of Ferocity (Q)

From The Unofficial Outwar Wiki

Prerequisite Quest

Master Ferocity Pants (Q)

Pants of Slight (Q)

Pants of Inner Strength (Q)

Pants of Truth (Q)

Prerequisite For

Excelled Crest of Ferocity (Q)

Explosive Crest of Ferocity (Q)


The following table shows the Crest of Ferocity questline in order, with all required conditions and rewards.

Crest of Ferocity
# Talker Message Conditions Reward
1 Skill Master of Ferocity Greetings champion. I see you've come to master your skills. Train with me and you will be able to use your skills with minimal effort.
2 Skill Master of Ferocity I suppose you're going to need to know where to find these items then?
3 Skill Master of Ferocity Do you have the required items? *Note: Remove any required items from your vault* Crest of Ferocity