Outwar Wiki:WoZ Event Drops

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Revision as of 21:45, 30 August 2023 by Woogie (talk | contribs)

Material Drops

The creation of a V1 item requires 5 Scamp Tome, 5 Ravager Carapace, 5 Bloodslave Vial, 2 Scamp Idol, 2 Ravager Fang, and 2 Bloodslave Heart. These materials are a small percent chance drop from defeating the following mobs.

The creation of a V2 item requires 1 V1 item and a Ring of Kinetic Power which can be found from the following mobs.

  • Withered Scamp/ Horrific Scamp/ Withered Ravager/ Horrific Ravager/ Withered Bloodslave/ Horrific Bloodslave/ Zhulian Paragon

The creation of a V3 item requires 1 V2 item and a Efflorescent Spear which can be found from defeating the following mobs.

  • Horrific Scamp/ Horrific Ravager/ Horrific Bloodslave/ Zhulian Paragon

Item Drops

The following items are a smaller percent chance drop from any Event Mobs.

  • Fearful Orb - 350 to each Elemental Damage and 500 HP.
  • Wrathful Orb - 450 to each Elemental Damage, 250 Atk, and 1,100 HP.
  • Seeping Augment - 85 ATK, 12 to each Elemental Damage, 45 Vile, 85 HP, 2% Block, 105 RPT/EPT, 160 MR, 6% Critical.
  • Bursting Augment - 220 ATK, 40 to each Elemental Damage, 95 Vile, 220 HP, 2% Block, 2% Elemental Block, 125 RPT/EPT, 290 MR, 9% Critical.
  • Erupting Augment - 280 ATK, 70 to each Elemental Damage, 145 Vile, 280 HP, 2% Block, 2% Elemental Block, 175 RPT/EPT, 370 MR, 14% Critical.